
These kids, sentenced to grow up,
Start living out the rest of their lives
Plodding and playing with alphabets and blocks,
Singing rhymes and drawing stick figures with crayons,
Not knowing that this hollow world treats
Every spark of imagination as a mark of rebellion
That needs to be squashed and ironed out.
Doomed by those very people who bought them here,
Their promise of guidance leads their minds to the gallows.
Braised with hypocrisy, their creativity is stifled,
Chopped off in bits and served on a silver plate
To placate the devils that now live in their empty heads.
Praises of their mediocrity guide their complacent hearts.
Although tormented, they do not show any signs of discomfort,
Ritalin solves everything.
It isn't curiosity, silly! It's obviously ADHD.


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